Data and Information System


Type of Structure: network / framework activity
Regional Scope: global
Parent Organisations: IGBP.ICSU
Child Organisations:
Duration : 0 to 2001 COMPLETED
Contact Address: no office contact defined

General information and objectives

  • To improve the supply and management of data and information in order to facilitate the attainment of IGBP's scientific goals.

    Three component objectives have been defined for the period 1994 -1998:

  • Carry out activities directly leading to the generation of datasets and other system components relevant to the needs of IGBP Core Projects

  • Assist in the development of effective data management systems for Core Projects and for IGBP as a whole, thereby facilitating data exchange between Core Projects, the acquisition of data from other sources, and the wide distribution of IGBP datasets

  • Contribute to the overall development of international and inter-agency data and information systems, particularly those of Earth-oriented space programmes, thereby ensuring that data and information relevant to IGBP are collected and made available with adequate continuity and quality.

    Last update: 4/27/22
    Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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