Integrated Global Observing Strategy


Type of Structure: network / framework activity
Regional Scope: global
Child Organisations:
Duration : 1999 to 2010 COMPLETED
Contact Address: no office contact defined

holding an official function in IGOS

General information and objectives

The Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) seeks to provide a comprehensive framework to harmonize the common interests of the major space-based and in-situ systems for global observation of the Earth. It is being developed as an over-arching strategy for conducting observations relating to climate and atmosphere, oceans and coasts, the land surface and the Earth's interior. IGOS strives to build upon the strategies of existing international global observing programmes, and upon current achievements. It seeks to improve observing capacity and deliver observations in a cost-effective and timely fashion. Additional efforts will be directed to those areas where satisfactory international arrangements and structures do not currently exist.

What is IGOS?

  • IGOS is a strategic planning process, involving a number of partners, that links research, long-term monitoring and operational programmes, as well as data producers and users, in a structure that helps determine observation gaps and identify the resources to fill observation needs.
  • IGOS is a framework for decisions and resource allocation by individual funding agencies, providing governments with improved understanding of the need for global observations through the presentation of an overarching view of current sustem capabilities and limitations - thereby helping to reduce unnecessary duplication of observations.
  • IGOS focusses primarily on the observing aspects of the process of providing environmental information for decision-making.
  • IGOS is intended to cover all forms of data collection concerning the physical, chemical, biological and human environment including the associated impacts.
  • IGOS is based on the recognition that data collection must be user driven, leading to results which will increase scientific understanding and guide early warning, policy-setting and decision-making for sustainable development and environmental protection.
  • IGOS provides opportunities for capacity building and assisting countries to obtain maximum benefit from the total set of observations.

Last update: 4/27/22
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)

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