International Programs/Organisations (217 records)
Abbr. | Name | Parent organisation |
ACCC | Austrian Council on Climate Change | governmental |
AGS | Alliance for Global Sustainability | ETHZ, MIT, Univ. Tokyo, Chalmers |
AGU | American Geophysical Union | USA scientific union |
AIMES | Analysis, Integration and Modeling of the Earth System | FutureEarth, IGBP |
AMP | Applications of Meteorology Programme | WMO.UN |
APN | Asian - Pacific Network | inter-governmental |
AREP | Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme | WMO.UN |
BIATEX | Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of Pollutants | EUROTRAC.EUREKA, EU |
BiodivERsA | Biodiversa | ERAnet |
CCAFS | Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security | FutureEarth |
CCCA | Climate Change Centre Austria | |
CEOS | Committee on Earth Observation Satellites | |
CGCP | Canadian Global Change Program | Royal Society of Canada |
CHR | International Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine Basin | Germany, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland |
CIRCLE | Climate Impact Research Coordination for a Larger Europe | EraNET |
CLIC | Climate and Cryosphere | WCRP.WCP, .ICSU, .IOC |
CLIPS | Climate Information and Prediction Services | |
CLIVAR | Climate Variability and Predictability | WCRP.WCP, .ICSU, .IOC |
CORDEX | Coordinated Regional climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) | WCRP |
COST | European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical research | European initiative |
COST-C20 | Urban knowledge arena | |
COST-C27 | Sustainable Development Policies for Minor Deprived Communities | COST |
COST-CM0903 | Utilisation of Biomass for Sustainable Fuels & Chemicals (UBIOCHEM) | cost |
COST-E40 | Innovative utilisation and products of large dimensioned timber including the wh | COST |
COST-E47 | European network for vegetation management: towards environmental sustainability | COST |
COST-E48 | The limits of paper recycling | COST |
COST-E49 | Processes and performance of wood-based panels | COST |
COST-ES0803 | Developing Space Weather Products and Services in Europe | COST |
COST-ES0805 | The Terrestrial Biosphere in the Earth System | COST |
COST-ES0806 | Stable Isotopes in Biosphere-Atmosphere-Earth System Research (SIBAE) | COST |
COST-ES0907 | INTegrating Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial records - 60,000 to 8000 years ago | COST |
COST-ES1004 | Earth System Science and Environmental Management (ESSEM) | COST |
COST-ES1005 | Towards a more complete assessment of the impact of solar variability on the Ear | COST |
COST-FP0803 | Belowground carbon turnover in European forests | COST |
COST-FP0903 | Climate Change and Forest Mitigation and Adaptation in a Polluted Environment | COST |
COST-IC0804 | Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems | COST |
COST-IS0807 | Living in Surveillance Societies (LiSS) | cost |
COST-IS1007 | Investigating Cultural Sustainability | COST |
COST-TU0803 | Cities Regrowing Smaller – Fostering Knowledge on Regeneration Strategies | COST |
COST356 | Towards the definition of a measurable environmentally sustainable transp. (EST) | COST |
COST529 | Efficient Lighting for the 21st Century | COST |
COST543 | Research and Development of Bioethanol Processing for Fuel Cells | COST |
COST636 | Xenobiotics in the urban water cycle | COST |
COST637 | Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water | COST |
COST639 | Greenhouse gas budget of soils under changing climate and landuse (BurnOut) | COST |
COST728 | Meso-scale meteorological modelling for air pollution and dispersion application | COST |
COST729 | Assessing + managing nitrogen fluxes in the atmosphere-biosphere syst. in Europe | COST |
COST730 | Universal thermal climate index UTCI to assess the thermal environment of humans | COST |
COST731 | Propagation of uncertainty in advanced meteo-hydrological forecast systems | COST |
COST732 | Quality assurance and improvement of micro-scale meteorological models | COST |
COST735 | Tools for Assessing Global Air Sea Fluxes of Climate and AirPollution Relevant | COST |
COST859 | Phytotechnologies for sustainable land use management and food chain safety | COST |
COST862 | Bacterial toxins for insect control | COST |
COST863 | Euroberry Research: from genomics to sustainable production, quality and health | COST |
COST871 | Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe | COST |
COST929 | A European Network for Environmental and Food Virology | COST |
DIVERSITAS | International Programme on Biodiversity Sciences | IUBS.ICSU, SCOPE.ICSU, UNESCO.UN |
EASAC | European Academies Science Advisory Council | |
EASAC-Energy | EASAC-Energy Program | EASAC |
ecoHEALTH | Biodiversity and emerging infectious diseases | FutureEarth, |
ECSN | European Climate Support Network | National Meteorological Services, EUMETNET |
ECTP | European Construction Technology Platform | EU |
EEAC | European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC) | |
EEOS | European Earth Observation System | |
EMU | European Mineralogical Union | ICSU.IUGS |
EPC | European Paleo Climate Program | ESF |
EPICA | European Program for Ice Coring in Antarctica | |
ESF | European Science Foundation | gouvernmental |
ESG | Earth System Governance | FutureEarth, IHDP.ISSC, .ICSU |
ETP | Education and Training Programme | WMO.UN |
ETSAP | Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program | IEA |
EU-Energy-6thFP | Energy (EU FP6) | EU-FP6 |
EU-Transport-6thFP | Transport (EU FP6) | EU-FP6 |
EUMETNET | Network of the European Meteorological Services | |
EUREKA | European Research Coordinating Agency | bilateral agreements |
EUROTRAC | European Exp. on Transport and Transformation of Trace Gases in the Troposphere | EUREKA |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization | UN |
FutureEarth | Future Earth | ICSU, ISSC |
GAW | Global Atmosphere Watch | WMO.UN GCOS |
GCOS | Global Climate Observing System | WMO.UN, IOC.UNESCO, UNEP.UN, ICSU |
GCP | Global Carbon Project | FutureEarth, ESSP |
GEC-Programme | Global Environmental Change Programme | UK |
GECHS | Global Environmental Change and Human Security | IHDP.ISSC, .ICSU |
GEF | Global Environment Facility | |
GEMS | Global Environmental Monitoring System | UNEP.UN |
GENEMIS | Generation of European Emission Data for Episodes | EUROTRAC.EUREKA |
GEO/GEOSS | Global Earth Observation System of Systems | 47 nations, the EU and 25 international organizations |
GEWEX | Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment | WCRP.WCP, .ICSU, .IOC |
GHP | GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel | GEWEX.WCRP |
GLOBE-International | Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment | |
GLORIA | Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments | GTOS |
GLP | Global Land Project | FutureEarth |
GMBA | Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment | FutureEarth |
GOOS | Global Ocean Observing System | WCP, WMO.UN, IOC.UNESCO, UNEP.UN, ICSU |
GRDC | Global Runoff Data Centre | GEWEX.WCRP, ..ICSU, ..IOC |
GRID | Global Resource Information Database | UNEP.UN |
GTOS | Global Terrestrial Observing System | FAO.UN, ICSU, UNEP.UN, UNESCO.UN, WMO.UN |
GWSP | Global Water System Project | FutureEarth, ESSP |
HFSJG | Int. Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat | |
HWRP | Hydrology and Water Resources Programme | WMO.UN |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency | |
IAI | Inter - American Institute for Global Change Research | inter-governmental |
IAMAP | Internat. Assoc. for Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics | IUGG.ICSU |
IAMAS | International Assoc. of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences | IUGG |
IAP | Interacademy Pannel on International Issues | |
IASC | International Arctic Science Committee | |
ICACGP | Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution | IAMAS |
ICALPE | International Center for Alpine Environments | |
ICSU | International Council for Science | |
IDMP | International Daylight Measurement Program | CIE |
IEA | International Energy Agency | |
IEF | International Energy Foundation | NGO |
IETA | International Emissions Trading Association | |
IGAC | International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project | FutureEarth, IGBP.ICSU |
IGCP | International Geological Correlation Programme | UNESCO, IUGS |
IGCP-Swiss-Comm | Interdisciplinary Global Challenge Programme Swiss Committee | IGCP, PF-Forum |
IGFA | International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research | Informal Partnership of funding agencies |
IGU | International Geographical Union | ICSU, ISSC |
IHDP-A | Austrian Human Dimensions Program | |
IHOPE | Integrated History of People on Earth Project | FutureEarth, IHDP |
IHP | International Hydrological Programme | UNESCO.UN |
IIASA | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis | National Member Organizations |
ILEAPS | Integrated Land Ecosystem Atmosphere Processes Study | FutureEarth, IGBP |
ILTER | International Long Term Ecosystem Research | GTOS |
IMBER | Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research | FutureEarth, IGBP, SCOR |
INTAS | Int. Assoc. for research promotion with the states of the former Soviet Union | EU |
IOC | Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission | UNESCO.UN |
IPBES | Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services | UN.UNDP, .UNESCO, .UNEP, .FAO |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | WMO.UN, UNEP.UN |
IRG | Integrated Risk Governance Project | FutureEarth, |
IRMA | INTERREG Rhine-Meuse Activities | EU |
IRMA-SPONGE | Interreg Rhine-Meuse Activity on Flood Risk | IRMA.EU |
ISCAR | International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps | |
ISCO | International Soil Conservation Organization | |
ISDE | International Society of Doctors for the Environment | non governmental organisation |
ISDR | International Strategy for Disaster Reduction | UN |
ISSC | International Social Science Council | |
ITASE | International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition | |
IUBS | International Union of Biological Sciences | ICSU |
IUFRO | International Union of Forestry Research Organizations | ICSU |
IUGG | International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy | ICSU |
IUGS | International Union of Geological Sciences | ICSU |
IUPAP | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | ICSU |
JOIDES | Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling | |
KLASICA | Knowledge, Learning and Societal Change | IHDP |
LOICZ | Future Earth - Coasts | FutureEarth, IGBP, IHDP |
LOOP | Limitation of Oxidant Production | EUROTRAC.EUREKA |
LOTRED-South-America | LOTRED SA (Regional variability/Climate reconstruction for South America) | PAGES |
MAB | Man and the Biosphere Programme | UNESCO.UN |
MAIRS | Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study | FutureEarth |
MIREN | Mountain Invasion Research Network | |
MOST | Management of Social Transformations | UNESCO.UN |
MRI | Global Change and Mountain Regions - Mounain Research Initiative | |
NASAC | Network of African Science Academies | |
NKGCR | National Committee on Global Change Research | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft |
ODP | Ocean Drilling Program | Multilateral (USA, GB, AUS, CDN, F, D, J, CH through ESF) |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development | |
PA-Mont-Ventoux | Biosphere Reserve Mont Ventoux | UNESCO |
Pacific-Institute | Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security | NGO |
PAGES | Past Global Changes | FutureEarth, IGBP |
PAGES-Arctic2k | PAGES Arctic2k Working Group | PAGES |
PECS | Program on Ecosystem Change and Society | FutureEarth |
PEW-Center | Pew Center on Global Climate Change | NGO |
PONAM | Polar North Atlantic Margins | ESF |
SCAR | Scientific Commission on Antarctic Research | ICSU |
SCOPE | Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment | UNESCO.UN |
SCOR | Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research | ICSU |
SCOSTEP | Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics | ICSU |
SOLAS | Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study | FutureEarth, IGBP, SCOR, WCRP, CACGP |
SPARC | Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate | WCRP.WCP, .ICSU, .IOC |
START | Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training | ESSP, IGBP.ICSU, WCRP.WCP, IHDP.ISSC |
START-Africa | START Pan-African Committee | START |
START-Oceania | START Oceania Regional Committee | START |
START-South-Asia | Start Southern Asia Regional Committee | START |
START-Southeast-Asia | START Southeast Asia Regional Committee | START |
START-Temp-East-Asia | START Temperate East Asia Regional Committee | START |
STEP.SCOSTEP | Solar-terrestrial Energy Programme | SCOSTEP.ICSU |
STRN | Sustainability Transitions Research Network | member driven |
TCP | Technical Co-operation Programme | WMO.UN |
THORPEX | Global Atmospheric Research Program | WWRP.WMO |
TOR | tropospheric Ozon Research | EUROTRAC.EUREKA |
UCS | Union of Concerned Scientists – Sound Science for a Safer Future | |
UN | United Nations | |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | UN |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme | UN |
UNECE | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe | UN |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Programme | UN |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | UN |
UNFCCC | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change | UN |
UNFPA | United Nations Population Fund | UN |
WASWC | World Association of Soil and Water Conservation | FAO.UN, USAID.USA, ISCO, others |
WBCSD | World Business Council for Sustainable Development | |
WBGU | German Advisory Council on Global Change | gouvernmental |
WCDMP | World Climate Data and Monitoring Program | WCP.WMO, ICSU, UNEP |
WCIRP | World Climate Impact Assessment and Response Strategies Program | WCP.WMO, UNEP.UN, ICSU, IOC.UNESCO |
WCP | World Climate Program | WMO.UN |
WCRP | World Climate Research Program | WCP.WMO, ICSU, IOC.UNESCO |
WCSP | World Climate Services Programme | WCP.WMO.UN, UNEP.UN, ICSU |
WEF | World Economic Forum | non governmental |
WegCenter | Wegener Center | |
WGCM | Working Group on Coupled Modelling | CLIVAR |
WGMS | World Glacier Monitoring Service | |
WGNE | Working Group on Numerical Experimentation | WCRP.WCP.WMO.UN |
WGRC | Working Group on Regional Climate (WGRC) | wcrp |
WGSF | Working Group on Surface Fluxes | WCRP |
WHO | World Health Organisation | UN |
WHYCOS | World Hydrological Cycle Observing System | HWRP.WMO, World-Bank |
WMO | World Meteorological Organisation | UN |
World-Bank | World Bank | |
WRMC-BSRN | World Radiation Monitoring Center - Baseline Surface Radiation Network | GEWEX.WCRP |
WWI | World Watch Institute | non governmental organisation |
WWRP | World Weather Research Programme | WMO |
WWW | World Weather Watch Program | WMO.UN |
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